Hello Everybody,
I am surprised myself I said that so enthusiastically, but I am feeling a little better everyday, now have gained 11 lbs. Taste buds are getting pretty active now, somethings taste the same some don't. Took nurses advice and am drinking Isosource in the morning now instead of feeding tube, can't wait to get it out soon. Have appointment with Radio Dr. on 7/18 for soft tissue scan and scope of throat, hope all goes well. In case anybody is wondering to make Isosource tolerable to drink I pour two in a glass, add two teaspoons of vanilla flavoring and a little sugar, it's not too bad.
My main dilemma right now is I want off the Norco (hydrocodon), I tried cutting them in half and took as prescribed 1 every 6 hours but the withdrawal symptoms became too strong and didn't take any for 2 days and really got sick. I started taking 1 every 6 hours and am feeling OK, Radio Dr. said that he would help me get off of them. Plan on getting appointment with addiictive pain specialist in the near future that Radio Dr. suggested. Has anybody been through such a ordeal? I have heard several stories of getting a prescription to take at home to substitute the Norco (maybe Librum) a little at a time but other people are saying that maybe I will need a few days in the hospital for monitoring. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

5/31/16 Partial Glossectomy
Right neck dissection
22 teeth extracted
Six weeks of radiation Ended 8/19/16
2/8/17 Biopsy of epiglottis-cancerous
35 radiation treatments to the throat, End 11/17/17
8/23/19 Tongue reconstruction, left radical neck dissection