Hi, a little update here. Definitely, the feeling of the swellings in the morning when I wake up with my tongue is not as clear as later through the day, (as if they were less swollen), even the largest one (I have felt like 3 at least) and it is a bit more protuding during the day.I have not been able to spot them clearly in a mirror as they are not easy to spot at sight and the dentists kept asking me to point to them. I am not sure about the coloring either. Well, but I found something new, very little bubbles in the inner lip of both lips,between the gums and the lips. They fluctuate if I touch them and look like jelly and dont hurt, I would think they are like mucoceles? I also have a bruxism problem and I have like a horizontal line in the inner cheek that I think it is from swallowing and the tension. I will try to attach pictures of this later. Two days before I see the maxillofacial surgeon, I cant wait, honestly...

Last edited by Ecardithlota; 01-14-2017 07:36 AM.