Im glad to hear you and your father have both went back to work. Keeping busy will help keep your mind off worrying. Plus feeling productive is always a good thing.
If your father asks the doc maybe he can tape record the appointment. All too often bad news is heard and the ears suddenly stop functioning. Im glad your mother is going with him so at least he has someone who can take notes and ask questions. She should write down all the questions and answers. This appointment is likely to be a long one.
I would ask things like this...
How many patients with OC has the doctor treated this year? How about over the past 5 years?
Is he affiliated with a CCC?
Does he participate in a tumor board with a team based approach?
Is the surgery done robotic assisted (davinci)?
Explain what collateral damage the patient will have?
How long is the surgery?
Explain exactly what is going to be done. How much tissue is being removed?
How wide of margins are expected to be taken and what is the total amount of tissue that will be removed?
What complications could the patient have?
Will further surgeries be necessary?
Will other treatments be required after surgery?
What stage is the cancer and what type? (most likely its squamous cell carcinoma AKA SCC)
If having surgery, just remember surgeons cut so thats what they recommend. Once its gone it cant be put back. Your father does not want to end up being treated by doctors who have only treated a handful of OC patients. At a CCC they are used to dealing with OC and see hundreds of patients a year. They work all on the same team to come up with the treatment plan. Everyone is on the same page, even the patient can go to the tumor board meetings. This is why going to a CCC if possible is so important. At the very least, take a look at the CCC list in my previous post and check out if one is near you.
If you havent already checked out the main OCF site, heres some links to read thru (or your mom can)...
OCF main site --- Diagnosis OCF main site --- Treatment You can print out posts if it makes things easier for your parents. Good luck to your parents at the appointment!!! Update us when you have time.