Maria, yes that is great advise, i will study the information from the National Kidney Foundation and take it with me to my next appointment. Thank you for the suggestion !

Sept 2002 Rt breast cancer no chemo or radiation.
March 2015 Rt tonsil cancer - walnut size lump rt side neck.
March 2015 Scan, biopsy confirm
March 2015 Port, G tube placed, 10 teeth removed.
July 2015 completed 5 chemo/35 radiations
Sept 2015 Cat Scan all clear
July 2016 G tube, port still in place
Ive had Thyroid "graves disease" and Lupus for many years.
4 kidney stone surgeries past 3 mo with over 100 stones still there !

*** Update... Jo passed away 12/20/17 ... RIP Jo ***