Definitely push for a biopsy - it is the only way to know for sure what it is. If you live near a major cancer center they should an ENT (ear nose and throat specialist) on staff. Not to scare you even more, but the first sign that I had cancer was a small painful canker sore on my tongue. Wishing you the best!


SCC R-Lateral tongue, T1N0M0
Age 47 at Dx, non-smoker, casual drinker, HPV-
Surgery: June 2005
RT: Feb-Apr 2006
HBOT: 45 in 2008; 30 in 2013; 30 in 2022 -> Total 105!
Recurrence/Surgeries: Jan & Apr 2010
Biopsy 2/2011: Moderate dysplasia
Surgery 4/2011: Mild dysplasia
Dental issues: 2013-2022 (ORN)