I'm deeply saddened to hear of Gabe's passing. As with Cathi, I remember clearly when she first found the OCF, and enjoyed many conversations over the years.

The passing of two old friends in less than a month has served as a sober reminder to me, and for those of you newly out of treatment, or with two or three years distance, or those "old timers" like me; NEVER let your guard down! Get check-ups regularly; if your ENT or
Oncologist says you don't need to, find a new Doctor.

It's long been my personal belief that we do ourselves a disservice by considering ourselves "cured" after 5 or more years. I'm coming up on ten years that I view as a long term remission, not that I was "cured". I take every precaution I can & will continue to. In addition, in remembrance of my two lost friends, I will be scheduling a check-up tomorrow for as soon as possible, even though I'm not "due" until June.

Oral cancer CAN & DOES return, even many years later. Please be well...


SCC left mandible TIVN0M0 40% of jaw removed, rebuilt using fibula, titanium and tissue from forearm.June 06. 30 IMRT Aug.-Oct. 06