Angi, I'm new here too, but do have some experience with a loved one doing radiation. Keeping on some weight is absolutely critical. The effects of radiation will continue to get worse until about a month after the treatments stop. A trip to the ER woke us up about the calories and water Christine talks about. I'd not found this board back then, and had no idea failure to monitor that intake could be life-threatening. Let him get angry with you if you have to - but know you're doing one of the few things you can to help. He needs to have a glass of water in his hand (or at least in reach) at all times, and someone really does need to keep count of the ounces that go down. Same for some high calorie liquid foods to combat the weight concerns.

I know you can't hold him down and pour it in - believe me, that's exactly what I wanted to do. But you can remind him you're fighting for his life and can't do it without his help. I'm sure my own loved one was trying to just wait it out, thinking that he'd soon feel good enough to get back to normal. It doesn't work that way though, and takes a concentrated daily effort. You could even tell him he's not being fair to YOU, and maybe he'll drink a little more, out of guilt. WHATEVER it takes!

The people on this board are amazing, so do come back and lean on them. It's doing me a world of good, and can do the same for you.

Caring for Hubby: Age 73

Radiation, Hard Palate: October, November, December, 2011
Hemiglossectomy (side of tongue): December, 2014
2nd Hemiglossectomy (base of tongue): November 2015