The treatment your Dad is going through is harsh and it's going to suck for a while. Is he gargling with the salt and baking soda frequently? That's several times a day as often as possible.

All those juices, shakes, puddings, soups didn't work for me. Nothing thick or sweet, it was gag making for me. Don't give up and and don't get frustrated, keep trying things on him and encourage him. I found scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese to be one of the few things I could get down along with cottage cheese with peaches (from a package not fresh) and I would force myself to drink a couple of orgains a day. I didn't do the corn syrup drinks. I also got the IV fluids. It's just horrible until about 3 or 4 weeks after treatment ends and then slowly getting better. There's pain meds and other meds and creams and just getting back and fourth every day for the treatment. Hang in there. He's going to be miserable sometimes. It's worth it. I am 9 months out and feeling pretty decent. PM me if you have any questions.

HPV+ P16 positive squamous cell carcinoma

Oct 2014 found neck node lumps
Went to Oncologist (TNBC)
2 CT Scans - body/head and neck
Needle & core biopsy
Pet Scan
Biopsy to find primary w/ anesthesia - failed
Second Opinion found primary & biopsied
Biopsy confirmed HPV+ P16 Squamous cell carcinoma
Radical Neck Dissection 11/22/2014
32 lymph nodes removed - 3 positive
Ported 12/29/14
Chemo and rads to start January 5, 2015
cisplatin weekly 40 mg/m2
Rads M-F for 7 weeks