Hello All. Need some help choosing the best place for Radiation Treatments.
My wife has had surgery to remove a tumor along with 13 Lymph Nodes, and partial glossectomy. The cancer center that we went to for this surgery was 90 miles away.
The Dr in this same office recommends going back to his office for the 6 weeks of Radiation, siting that they do more of "this type" of Radiation.
We have a comprehensive cancer center 10 minutes away from our home but now have been left with uncertainty about the quality of care that we may get from our local cancer center.
Questions. When performing radiation for Oral Cancer, is there a way to discover who "specializes" in this procedure vs just taking word of mouth from another Dr?
I know that Cancer is a big business (it kills me to say this) but driving 180 miles per day or living near the facility during the treatment presents an entire new realm of difficulties.