Thank you everyone,

This has been a crazy ride. I thought I was cured. Radiation Dr said so in April, just one little hot spot on lung, don't worry it will go away.

New PET has Dr who read PET saying he is as certain, as he can be, it MET from BOT. (He even send me an email saying he's sorry.)

RAD Dr though doesn't tell me results for over a week - then says it's probably nothing, could be anything there are hundreds of decreases, could be 100 different kinds.

He wants to send me to his friend Pulmonary, putting him in charge, and doesn't want me to go anywhere else.

I don't want to see his friend I go back to ENT who says go see another Dr in same practice.

Takes a week to get in because the girl at front desk keeps arguing I am the other Dr's patient. They don't like you to change. I finally get to see the Dr I want. I am told he is direct. "Good I'll take direct."

We look at PET again, I point blank asked my new Dr is this "bad or super bad". He answers super bad and wants me to begin treatment the next day without biopsy, but my oncologist insisted on biopsy.

Had Biopsy yesterday. Hurt like hell. Hard to get at the Dr was very thorough. Hope to hear from Pulmonary Dr today. I just called his nurse and made sure she sends results to my ENT too.

I am tired of waiting. I am tired of hearing the condolences from Radiology Dr' and one's who say they have never seen anything like this.

My wife says then we need to go someplace who does.

I am thinking MDAnderson as it's about 7 hrs away and my ENT fellowshipped there. Called him he wants to wait for biopsy.

You know back when I finally got diagnosed by ENT Dr in Nov 2014 (I had gone undiagnosed from Mar 2014 - when I bled for 9 hours) saw a Dr who misdiagnosed, in late Oct I was feeling bad so wife did search and found a second opinion here. He quickly Dx me and aggressively biopsied growth, undifferentiated on both sides of neck + 4cm BOT. a few days after GASTRO went down same throat with a big hard plastic capped PEG and pulled scab off. I aspirated blood and lots of it. The X-rays show it all over my lungs. End up with pneumonia and collapsed lower lobe. Hospital stay 10 days.

Now these little nodules are scattered all over lungs. Could that be how it MET?

Has anyone looked at how the Clovis drug stock rocketed yesterday. Has anyone participated or know anything about the Tiger Trials?

One more question. What is this called now? I was told not lung cancer but where it began - BOT. That is confusing to me.

You know this is a bitch to be stuck on this ride. They tell you get on cause if you stay here it's over. I would like to know where the ride is taking me.

Sorry for rant.

On another note a crazy criminal beat to sh_t was handcuffed to the bed across from me with a police officer in between. He was on the news, looked horrible. Told he shot at police officers in nearby Semmes. It certainly took my mind off my troubles.

Last edited by larry6905; 09-10-2015 08:31 AM.

T4,N2,MO SCC of the BOT hpv+
Weekly Taxol/Carboplatin w/ 44 rad 73 GY Nov 2014 - Jan 2015
PEG tube feedings (Liquid Hope). Removed PEG 7/7/2015
Clear 4.9.2015 PET/CT H&N.
11mm low SUV nodule RUL on lung PET/CT
2nd PET 8.25.15 10+ numerous nodules bi later lungs
9.9.15 Lung biopsy SCC Org BOT
Avastin and Torisel clinical trial 11/15-3/16 MDA
Home 5/23/16 Pet scan 50% growth & +SUV
Opdivo 6/2016
Synthroid 100 mcr
Scan tumors shrinking
Teeth decay 9/2016