Heidi, that is so wonderful of you to do this after losing your mother.

According to the SPOHNC site, they have a chapter in Baton Rouge. Perhaps someone there would be willing to come pick it up or pay the shipping charges. You could ask at [email protected]

There is probably a branch of the American Cancer Society in New Orleans but in case you would prefer that it go to someone with oral cancer I suggested SPOHNC.

4x survivor
1998 - SCC of larynx
...laryngectomy, tracheotomy, radiation, caries, HBO, teeth extr, TEP
2002 - lung cancer, wedge resection
2014 - SCC of BOT, pharynx, oropharynx, HPV-, stage IV, T2N0MX, invasive, poorly differentiated
...chemo (carboplatin, taxol), dc'd due to neuropathy
2015 - SCC of palate
...Feb-April IMRT (46 x 70 Gy)
...Jan 2015 - May 2016 cetuximab 500 mg q week x 55wks
2016 - metastases to mediastinum, lungs, spleen, pancreas
...Aug-? pembrolizumab q 3 wks