The difficulty breathing sucks. I am normally pretty active. I love to walk and do 5ks regularly. I ave never had a swallow study. Although in the last few months I have noticed a couple of times where I have almost choked on food. I have to cut things in small bites and chew slowly. Aspiration pneumonia did cross my mind. And yes I have been coughing rather violently. Wasn't too surprised by the broken rib.

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

31 @ Dx SCC of tongue right side May 27, 2011, no tobacco, light drink
Partial gloss. and ND June 2011 - 2 jaw nodes positive ("encapsulated")
33 rads ended 10/21/11.
Dx Non small cell lung cancer 05/18/15