It isn't results I'm waiting for. It's the actual biopsy. Because of blood thinners we have to wait a week.

Results is a terrifying time but it's short and at least you think that there are people doing things. The wait to find out if there is anything? That's UGH.

It's just passive time where nobody anywhere is working on this.

But we went to the farmers market, went shopping for new towels, had mani pedis and generally had a good weekend? Also the pain is down some which I'm not trying to read too much into, but at least is making the waiting less unpleasant.

My sisters are coming in a couple of days, a previously arranged trip and that will be good to keep everybody distracted as well. In the home stretch now. Kind of.

I will definitely report back and thanks for the chin up wishes. They help, really.

And while a recurrence is never good I think I'd rather it be found in March than in May's pet scan, all things being equal.

Caregiver to mom Chris, symptoms started 12/18/13. Biopsy 1/18/14, Diagnosed t2n2 2/3 2014. 3x Carboplatin and Taxotere finished 4/21/14. Chemo/Rads 8 erbitux 36 rads began 5/12/2014. End 6/20/2014. Pnuemonia 6/23/2014. 1 month in hospital 3 in rehab. PEt NED 11/8/2014, T3 recurrence DX 3/4/2015. Hemiglossectomy/mandiblectomy 4/27/2015. 30 rads end 07/24/2015. 4 years NED.