How do I watch a post? I wrote to Vitamix very recently about a medical discount and received a form letter the program had been discontinued. I'd love to be able to get one of these, I'm have so much trouble eating. There's costco I suppose? I wish I had asked Santa.

Brian, Thanks for tongue depressor tip, doing that every day since I read it on got my hands on enough.

HPV+ P16 positive squamous cell carcinoma

Oct 2014 found neck node lumps
Went to Oncologist (TNBC)
2 CT Scans - body/head and neck
Needle & core biopsy
Pet Scan
Biopsy to find primary w/ anesthesia - failed
Second Opinion found primary & biopsied
Biopsy confirmed HPV+ P16 Squamous cell carcinoma
Radical Neck Dissection 11/22/2014
32 lymph nodes removed - 3 positive
Ported 12/29/14
Chemo and rads to start January 5, 2015
cisplatin weekly 40 mg/m2
Rads M-F for 7 weeks