Today I placed orders for two more units that will be donated at no charge to patients who have qualified through OCF, both 7500 refurbished units, and one full price purchase of the same but new unit for someone with free shipping. So in our first week of doing this (there hasn't been a big announcement of OCF programs, it is spreading by word of mouth) 6 units have been given away. Obviously this in only one of OCF's many program costs so there will be a limited number of these given away each month, and when that month's funding for this runs out, people will be put on a waiting list for the next months units. I wish that we could help everyone, but we have sliced out of our total budget a few thousand dollars each month to do this. We are hoping to find a major donor that will match our money so that we can offer more of them. Obviously our research funding and some other things take precedent, but we will do what we can for as long as we can.
The Blendtec unit is also good, a bit cheaper, and we would get a slight better discount on buying them. But review of their unit on Amazon have not been as stellar as the VM unit. Vitamix is the premier brand, and as a company to deal with stands behind everything to the extreme. I am actually proud to have the OCF logo and their logo seen together. Their brand is golden� as I hope people think OCF's is as well.