My husband is 2 months post treatment and still losing. In fact he has lost more now than either after surgery and radiation. He's 6'5" and is typically 200 lbs, now he's 170. We just got Scandishake to help add calories. 580 calories in each packet when you add it to 8 oz of whole milk. He likes the taste and it's easier to do 3 of those that 6 ensures. I bought them online through Amazon. Im hoping this works! Good luck to you.

Working caregiver of husband Don ,56yrs, non smoker, casual drinker
6/14 DX squamous cell carcinoma on base of tongue, HPV positive
8/28 Radical neck dissection w/ removal of 31 lymph nodes and partial pharyngectomy T2 w/ MET to lymph node
8/30 emergency surgery to cauterize bleeders in throat
10/1 Began 1st of 30 tomotherapy
11/14 end of radiation