Thank you all so much for writing back smile I did not expect such a response, especially so quickly. Thank you.
Do any of you know how much it costs to be seen by a specialised cancer treatment center, or if there are any that treat people regardless? (I am definately not wealthy, and the only medical coverage I have is Medicaid). Also, Cathy, I would be very interested in hearing what your neck surgery was like, as I have been considering at least having some lymph nodes removed for biopsy in light of Scans not always being accurate. (My doctors don't seem to want to even consider it though). I am really concerned about it though, especially since reading about Avinash Raina because he was so young as well.
(if you visit the site, make sure you read "Medical Background" and "Lessons Learned").

I have now included my diagnosis and staging in my signature. Thank you again to all of you who have responded, I will keep checking to see if there are more. Take Care!!

Dx 9/20/05 SCC Right Lateral Tongue (T1N0M0) Nodes presumed "clear" based on palpation and CT Scan.