Hi Bud. Let me see if I can answer the redneck part of the question smile

A typical IMRT treatment dose will be in the neighborhood of 70Gy (Gray Units) or 7000 cGy (centigray). A typical Dental X-RAY is in the neighborhood of 0.0005 cGy. If I am remembering correctly, using a cell phone was at least two orders of magnitude less and a non-ionizing type of radiation, but I can't find my notes....

Does that help?


SCC Tongue (T3N0M0) diag 06/2006.
No evidence of disease 2010
Another PET 12-2014 pre-HBO, still N.E.D.

�Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. It matters that you don't just give up.�
Stephen Hawking