My blood counts, both red and white as well as hemoglobin have never recovered to normal levels, post treatment. All of them are still pretty much what they were when I was in the throes of chemo and rads. As a result, for these last few years I have been constantly tired and low energy.

Has anyone out there experienced this kind of long term effect of treatment and, more so, found anything that can help return blood counts to normal?


02/21/10: Dx SCC tongue;
03/08/10: Part glossect;
05/08/10: Further part. glossect left-side PND; 2 tumors in lymph nodes;
06/27/10-08/09/10: RAD+Chemo (Cis);
01/12/11: Dx SCC on skin of neck;
01/26/11: 14 wks Carboplatin, Taxol and Erbitux;
12/6/11: 4 wks RAD;
01/23/12: Remission(!); on Erbitux 2xmonth