Hi Steve,

Thanks for your response. I compleated my radiation & chemo and now have one more hydration tomorrow. The radiation presents an occasional "flaming pain"-- quite regular in beats to pain (thump /thump/thump). That's when I turn to Roxicet rather than ibuprofen. I am also using Silver Sufiazide a few times a day (as well as Eucerin/Aquaphor in between). All but tank tops are hard to wear for the abrasion they put on colarbone, etc.

My chemo sickness is abating, and I have kept up with miralax to keep the pipes moving to good effect. Now it looks like the challenge is to find food that is tolerable and edible. I will put a separate post up about that.

Head and neck cancer,
Squamous cell carcinoma,
HPV p16, Stage 3N (6/14) Occult origin;
58 year old male 35 rads & 2.5 doses Cisplatin chemo 7/10/14> 8/25/14
1.5 years clear of cancer, at this point.

"This, too is part of Life's Rich Pageant!"