Dear Rajeev,

Sorry for you to find this place. Cancer doesnt have respect to mercy that too for a 8 years baby.

Myself Guru from India and last year my wife has diagnosed with MEC (Low grade) at right maxillary (roof of mouth).

She has undergone surgery by Feb 2014 and so far so good.

To give a overview about MEC, it may come to anyone irrespective of age mostly from Salivary gland tumor. And the good part is its mostly curable since my Dr said its an Indolent one. As like you it was shocking to hear that news Cancer for a mom of tow kids but later we started to fight against it. And i found there are lot of examples who overcome this disease. So keep the fight contiue.

Please reach me out for any help in this matter. I am happy to help you.

Keeping your little on in my prayers.


Last edited by ChristineB; 07-02-2014 07:53 PM. Reason: removed email address

MEC, Low Grade at right Maxillary.