Thank you for responding, Uptown. It's a lonely feeling dealing with these issues. We have some good support, but it's not like those who understand first hand.

When you say address as soon as possible, does that mean resecting the mandible immediately? I did not previously mention that area affected is not large, no exposed bone. Our ENT & RO have recommended antibiotics, more HBOT & possible debridement by oral oral surgeon. Delay to avoid major reconstruction.

I don't know if that is standard tx. I have no problem with second and even third opinions, but am not sure what type of doctor/facility to seek out. It's not cancer, so do you seek out ENT or Surgical Oncologist?

In the meantime, Bob is improving a little each day. Obviously, something is wrong. I wonder if it truly is ORN - and want this confirmed by another team.

CG to husband, dx @ age 65, nonsmoker/social drinker. Dx 5/08 SCC Stage IV, BOT T1N2aM0. 33 IMRT - completed 9/12/08. Induction Chemo (Cisplatin, Taxotere & 5FU), plus concurrent Cisplatin.
1/09 PEG removed; 5/09 neg PET/CT; 5/10 PET/CT NED
Dental extraction & HBOT 2013; ORN 2014; Debridement/Tissue Transfer & HBOT 2016