Hi neversmoke,

Thanks for asking! I am glad you are feeling better. I am not bouncing back quite as fast as I did after the first round, but am feeling better all the time. It's hard to believe I've already been home for a week!

I had an appointment with the surgeon on Friday. He said I am doing great. He removed the staples from my face. Some of them really got my attention as he removed them, but most came out quickly and painlessly.

My biggest challenge is sleeping. Sometimes I am fine, but other times I can't quite attain a position that is comfortable and allows me to breathe easily. Then, about the time I am sleeping well I will wake up with a coughing fit. It is improving with more good stretches happening, but it is a real drag. I have tried heat and moisture exchangers on the trach. They work but almost make it too moist with lots of very distracting gurgling and bubbling. I have a humidifier running full bore all the time so the room air is pretty moist.

More information than you wanted to know I am sure, but I felt like sharing. I hope you continue to improve and feel better each day!


Male, non-smoker, very light drinker, age 56 at diag.
9/18/12 - Diag. tongue cancer, left lateral border HPV 16+
9/24/12 - Partial glossectomy w/recon. Left side neck nodes removed
11/7/12 - Begin rads (30 treat.) and Cituximab (11 treat.)
12/26/12 - Rads compl.
1/18/13 - Cituximab compl.
3/13/13 - PET clear
12/19/13 - Positive PET
1/3/14 - Biopsy confirm cancer in tongue and 1 node (stage 4)
1/16/14 - Surgery - full glossectomy and and right neck dissect