Hi Mandy:
I hope it works out just that smoothly for you. Depending on how often the docs are going to see you, you need to keep a close eye on the surgical area if you can see it. Be looking for anything unusual, unusual texture in the skin, unusual color, things that look like sores or ulcers, anything. If you can't see the area, maybe you can feel the area with clean fingers.

I would be inclined to do this "look" at least every two days for the next several months. If anything shows up and doesn't resolve itself within 2 weeks, it's worth a call to the doc.

I know you are happy with the news you've been given. But, it's time to remain vigilant.

If you need us, we are here.


Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good