14 down, 21 to go- Well, getting closer to the halfway point, that's kind of a milestone I'm shooting for.

Taste is about gone, only thing I can taste is Ensure. Even those good energy bars don't have any taste anymore ... what a bummer. Oh well, now it's just forcing food down so I dont' shrivel up and blow away.

I'm not nearly as up today as a week ago. I'm not depressed, just not my best day.

There is some good in every bad, I still have saliva, on both sides.

Going to force myself to go to dance club tonight. Maybe a little music and some moves will make the day end better.

A good weekend to everybody.


Last edited by n74tg; 11-22-2013 04:37 PM.

Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good