OK but I was responding to davidcpa's post inviting "awkward" questions concerning the terminal stages. I am quite satisfied with my CCC treatments here. I am under the eye of a Hospice here but dislike their "feel good" approach - the hospice, although located at the the local Public Hospital, is contract run and staffed by the Salvation Army. I was not inquiring about treatment options and do not see that you needrd to edit and move my response to him - but thank you for caring LOL

So to reiterate my specific question :

"Feel free to ask any end of life questions.
David "

"Now my question is if the growths continue how do I die ? I have a good heart etc and breath through my neck and eat via PEG so I by pass the mass in my throat - so does it keep growing until it hemorrhages and I die in a sudden explosion of blood loss ? "

Last edited by mikejwoodnz; 11-19-2013 12:35 AM.

Osteosarcoma radiotherapy right forequarter amputation 1961
Carcinoma of Right Larynx with subglottic extension
Total laryngectomy with right radical neck dissection 2000
Radiotherapy June-July 2001
Aggressive recurrence of the same May 2013
Neck Fistulas June 2013
P.E.G July 2013
Mi-key Oct 2013
Currently Chemo was : XELODA (Capecitabine) Now Carboplatin and now Gemcitabine !