I just wanted to put up a quick post regarding those survivors who are routine visitors to the board, and who consistently respond with compassion and kindness to the strangers who come here looking for answers, or sometimes just a patient listener. I know that many of you have also developed direct email relationships with some of these new patients and family members of patients. While the site is about half up with informational pages (by years end we will have another 100 pages up, time and money willing), this message board is the real heart of the OCF web site. But it would be nothing without the generous contribution of time and concern that many of you put into it. Next time you read a post, look under it to the location of the poster and next to that you will see the number of posts, in all categories, that person has made. Some have broken the 100-post mark. I am so proud of those of you who contribute so freely both your ideas and time to help others, and I want to thank you for making this board a viable, and helpful entity. The oral cancer information that I put up in the rest of the site is only part of helping others. The direct contact patients and family members make with survivors is just as important, if not more so. You are truly extraordinary individuals.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.