I have always told my boys "when it hits the fan, some people you thought would never leave your side will be nowhere to be found. Some people you would never expect will stay with you through it all". I had a dear friend that was incredibly freaked out by my illness and disappeared until I was well. I also made some friends that I know to this day I could call at 2am and they would come running.

I'm still friends with the guy that left but its different. There's blessings in learning about both.

Dx March 2011 via FNA (49 yrs old)
HPV+ exact strain unknown
Stage IVa T3N2cM0
Cisplatin x 3, IMRT x 40 (7267 cGy)
One node removed post-treatment (rad dmg)
Clean PET 10/28/11
Swallow therapy