Hi everyone. I am so thankful there is online support like this available. Back in Feb 2013, I coughed up a papilloma. I'd never seen anything like this before and it scared me. It looked like a piece of raw chicken. I'd been having this stuck in throat feeling for months but thought maybe it was my imagination as I was going through other medical female problems and tend to be a hyperchondriac. I took up this coughed up tissue to one of those immediate med type places and the doctor thought it was mucous. I insisted he send it off for pathology. The report came back benign squamous epithelium/papilloma.

Now, Monday morning I woke up and looked in my throat because I had that sensation again. This time I noticed on my uvula, a growth at the end. I almost didn't notice it because it looked like an extension of sorts of the uvula. I'm not sure if that's where the first growth/coughed up tissue came from the uvula.

I went to an ENT and he put a flexible tube down my nose to my throat. He saw no other problems. He ended up cutting off the entire growth on my uvula and said it was likely another papilloma. The results came back and the ENT called me today and said it is a moderate squamous dysplasia with HPV associated cellular change. He recommended I come back in 6 months or sooner if I feel or see anything again. I am thinking I should be going every month for at least a few months.

I did the Dr. Google search and I am very freaked out. I read dysplasia can one day just pop up in your mouth as invasive cancer. I've already had leukemia (bone marrow transplant in 1994) and have terrible health anxiety. I can't imagine having to deal with this constantly wondering if every odd sensation is a new papilloma that will end up being cancer.

Has anyone been in this similar type of situation? I read that many cases of moderate and severe dysplasia do turn in to cancer. Does that mean I basically am waiting to eventually become diagnosed with cancer?

Any thoughts, support and sharing your stories is much appreciated. smile