Welcome Nancy,
sorry you had to join our forum. As a new member myself I can say that everyone on here is amazing and so helpful. I had a neck dissection too as there was 1 highly suspicious node and 1-2 other rounded nodes. I ended up with 9 involves nodes out of 67 which means there was 6 in there that they really didn't know would be a problem until hey were removed so I wouldn't say the neck surgery was a waste of time. At least you've got peace of mind that its all clear there now.
Best of luck for your next appointment.
Cheers, Mel.

39yr old female, DX BOT SCC Stage IVA (T1N2bM0) HPV+
28 May 13 - Pharangoscopy & tongue biopsy
29 May 13 - BOT Surgery & right ND (lvls 2-5)
31 May 13 - Hemorrhage, emergency trach, critical care
BOT clr mgns, 9/67 nodes & extracapsular extension
Finished chemo (cisplatin) & 30 rads