Hi Nancy: After reading your bio at the end of your post, I noticed that we probably had very similar cancers and treatment; I was just two years ahead of you. (My primary tumor was also the left tonsil.) Congrats on finishing treatment and being in recovery. I have noticed these past two years since treatment that swallowing is easier at some times and not at other times. I don't know why that is. Sometimes I need a lot of water to get the food down and sometimes none at all. My oncologist told me at my last appointment that the protocol for HPV+ cancers like mine (don't know if yours was HPV+ or not) but for HPV+ cancers they will probably start recommending less radiation because these tumors respond so well to treatment. When I first began eating solids again (about two months after treatment ended) I could only do saucy and soupy foods - asian and italian cooking was easiest. Steak and chicken can still be hard for me, unless I have a lot of sauce, and even then steak is difficult. I was told that it's one of the hardest food for the likes of us. Good luck with everything. As you know, recovering from this treatment is a long process, but everyday brings new healing. -Michelle

SCC left tonsil, stage IV, HPV+, metastatic to one lymph node. Biopsy 12/23/10; tonsillectomy 1/13/11; DX 1/25/11; Peg in 1/28/11. Peg out 6/29. TX 1/31/11-3/21/11: 35 IMRT plus 3 Cisplatin. Pet-Scan 6/20/11 = CLEAR! Three years out, learning to live with the long-term side effects of radiation while reminding myself to feel blessed.