[quote=fishmanpa]If anything at this point was a serious cause for concern, they would be all over it.

After the second round of antibiotics and no change in the glands, I had a CT done which confirmed the issue. At my visit with the first ENT, he did a scope and thorough exam. I asked him to be straight up. He looked me in the eyes and said he thought it was cancer. He didn't know what type but had seen enough through the years to be sure it was. He said if he was wrong he would be very happy to admit it. He did a fine needle biopsy and I got confirmation the following week.

From everything you've described, it would seem that there is no reason to be alarmed. I'm sure your ENT will confirm that.

Positive thoughts and prayers. Let us know what they say!



Thank you for your concerns.

I have visited the ENT after taking the ultrasound scan. Both the ENT and the radiologist reassured me that there is nothing of worry. The radiologist measured my lymph nodes and found them to be at a good size, just slightly inflamed. The ENT said that i am actually less swollen than 2 weeks ago.

Both doctors said that some inflammations which are viral in nature can take a long time to heal. Also, due to the fact that i have recently had oral surgery to fix my teeth, i get pains all over my mouth/jawbone/tongue which is another reason that i have been concerned with all these pains coming in and then going.

My gf suggests that to be sure, i should have a blood test and if i don't feel better soon, i may go ahead and have a fine needle biopsy right after i move to the UK.

I understand that it may be considered by the community that my concerns are premature and that i am going through a hypochodriac phase but i am going through the scare none the less and being proactive can save your life in the long run.

While going through my concerns i realized that cancer patients are nothing less than fearless warriors and i have developed a unique respect to all of you that i will carry onward in my life.

I will be closely monitoring my symptoms until they are gone(or not)and i will update here with any news.

Best of luck everyone
