
General question: Do symptoms of oral cancer come and go from one day to another? For example, yesterday my throat was giving me a lot of pain but today i can barely feel it. I am planning to have a scan regardless.. [/quote]

My experience was no pain. I first noticed swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my neck last August that came up with a sinus infection. Two rounds of antibiotics didn't get rid of them. They weren't painful at all, just hard.

I was Dx'd Nov. 30th 2012. At that point the glands were approx. 2cm. By the time they did the surgery (Feb 7th - selective neck dissection) they had grown to approx. 5cm. Just prior to the surgery I was feeling discomfort as they were putting pressure on areas inside my neck. I could feel a fullness and some slight pain on a regular basis but up until that point, other than seeing the swelling, there was no pain.


Last edited by fishmanpa; 05-12-2013 02:10 PM.

Cardiac bypass 11/07
Cardiac stents 10/2012
Dx'd 11/30/2012 Tx N2b MO Stage IV HPV+
Palatine Tonsillectomy/Biopsies 12-21-12
Selective Neck Dissection/Lingual Tonsillectomy/biopsies TORS 2/7/13
Emergency Surgery/Bleeding 2/18/13
3/13/2013 30rads/6chemo
Finished Tx 4/24/13
NED Since