Sorry Cheryl, Maybe my post was a little confusing...
I did get results of Biopsy last week from Oral Surgeon and it was Mild Epithalial Dysplasia. He said no treatmeant needed and that my regular denist should keep and eye on it for changes. I talked to my regular denist and he said do nothing and we will keep eye on it.. I just feel a little un easy about doing nothing so i thought I would ask my regular doc if I should see a HEad and Neck doctor(is that same as an ENT??)
Everyone keeps telling me don't worry and just watch it. My internet search seem to be a mixed bag of wait and see and intervention..I just don't know
I am mean what are the risk involved in just removing it??? Why isn't that the first choice? What ever happen to early detection and doing something if it's just wait and see...
Is that because it's Mild Didplasia???

Mild Dysplasia of Left Buccal Mucosa