Gave my Dad his haircut last night and it looks good! I kinda thought it might be traumatic (haha), but I guess for a man it isn't too bad. He just got a super short hair cut. He was balding, anyways.

He has definitely made the decision to try to make it without the tube. His radiologist isn't even pushing him to get it. Basically, he said if he can make it without one, that would be best. My Dad figures if his weight loss becomes a problem, they'll force him to get one anyways. Yes, we understand his body will be broken down from the chemo and what not, but this is his choice. My Mom said she is tired of having this conversation with him. He is pretty set on his decision. I know he will be working hard all weekend to get as many calories in him as possible while he is on this break. He said he has actually gained a pound and a half in the last couple days.

We'll see. I know everyone is different and everyone has a different amount of tolerance for what they can handle. I also know my Dad is smart enough to know he can't let himself waste away and he will get the tube later if his eating becomes a major problem. I know if he can get through this ordeal without one, it wil be such a triumph for him--mainly psychologically.

Brandi, daughter of:
Jack, age 69, non-smoker, BOT primary, Stage 4, HPV+
1/28/2013: Surgery. All cancerous masses removed. Dad is CANCER FREE!!!
2/26/2012: Beginning of TX. Weekly chemo: Carboplatin and Taxol. Daily RT (about 40 total)
4/25/2013: Will be last day of TX, both chemo and RT