Hi CallyGirl,
When Mike was finishing treatment I was home full time with him. Your brother may benefit from being admitted to hospital in order to be able to focus on resting and fighting his cancer smile Pain control is of the utmost importance. We had homecare nurses coming in almost every day for hydration. (thank you canadian healthcare :)) Even as an outpatient, your brother should be able to consult with the pain management team and they will work with him to get it under control. Constant pain is very draining and this is no time to "tough it out". Good luck with everything
Take care

CG to Mike, diagnosed SSC base of tongue March 6/12, T2N2, Stage 4, 35 rads, 3 cisplatin, hospitalized end of treatment TPN nutrition lost 50lbs. lymph nodes in neck necrotic tissue Jan /13, radical neck dissection March 20 positive SCC could not remove all