Alot of people have written to me asking about my husband Jim and to update how he was doing. Im sorry it has taken me so long to update. Things have been nonstop and crazy here. After we found out the 1st clinical trial didnt work on his lungs,he was scheduled to start a different one on Nov 9th. A routine cat scan for the trial showed the cancer had spread to his brain. The clinical trial was postponed and Jim completed 2 weeks of brain radiation to stop the growth. We had a few days of hallucinating from the radiation but thankfully nothing serious. He then developed a fungal infection infection in his right lung and brain. Was hospitalized for a week to get that under control. Now we are having a problem keeping his hemoglobin levels at a safe range so we are having blood transfusions weekly and have started the second clinical trial as well. He has developed internal bleeding from the colon last week and a colonoscopy on Friday found 11 tumors in the bottom part of his colon. The doctors say that since it spread there so quickly and to such an extent that its safe to assume that its probably everywhere by now. Jim is very weak, cant keep any weight on, we started pain pills around the clock to stop the coughing since he is coughing up blood clots now. The doctors say he has blood clots on the brain so the estimated time they are giving him is any minute to up to 2 months. The red cross, his doctors and the military allowed our son to come home on emergency leave from afghanistan over thanksgiving to spend some time with his dad while he still could. this is a living nightmare. i could have never foreseen this and cant believe this is happening to us. All from stage 2 cancer on his left tonsil. its been almost 2 years since this all started. right now im just praying that Jim can make it through the holidays so we can enjoy him just a little bit more. thank you all for your concern and prayers for my husband. ill update when i can but right now i spend as much time with him as possible. i know its limited and i dont want to waste a minute of it.

Age 44.Tonsil HPV stage 4. Radiation/Cistplatin/peg tube. Spread lungs,stage 4. Lung wedge removal 12/5/2011. Carboplation, erbitux, 5fu until 5/2012. Clinical trial Anixinib.Disease progession in lungs,brain,colon,stomach,intestines. Hospice started 12/20/2012, passed away 1/3/2013