Brendan, your news sucks, but always remember that they give you bad options so you are prepared. It's not fated. They told me I wouldn't be able to speak for an extended period, and that it was 99% that I would have to have chemo and rad.

I appeared in court 19 days after my surgery, and have determined this week that no chemo for sure at the moment, and no rads. We're on hold to monitor for recurrance.

I was going to say keep your chin up, but that might be considered bad taste (I'm not politically correct - my joke to people was that other lawyers were cheering that at least this would shut me up for a while, lol).

Truly, we're all behind you, hoping for the best on Tuesday

Diag: Aug. 13/12
50% + glossectomy and bilateral radical neck dissection, removal of nodes zones I - V
Surgery October 11/12
Chemo/rad on hold due to clear margins and nodes
Sept 21/13 clear CT with anomaly thought to be the artery, being watched closely.
Dec 16/13 - anomaly confirmed artery, all clear
nickname: "get 'r done"
Plans: kick cancer's butt