Had my pre-op on Tuesday for my neck surgery (right side) next week.Told it will be a modified radical neck dissection and more extensive than the neck dissection on my left side last year.
I also have a growing nodule in my neck which I'm told is very aggressive, though I had put my Sherlock hat on and kinda sussed that out as it's grown over the last 4 weeks and I'd say it's now about the size of a golf ball under my chin.Yeah . . .I know,exclamation mark.
I'm having this removed as well and have been told that they will be working very close to the nerves controlling my tongue.
Potentially, due to this and the margins they may have to remove, I may be left with an inability to swallow and/or talk.
I was expecting a droopy mouth on the right and a sore/stiff shoulder, as I had these last year (for a few weeks),but this news has been a bit of a bombshell.
I'm having my surgery - I've decided I've no real alternative if I want to keep living as long as I can, as I've been told a number of times my condition is not curable.However, I am curious to see if anyone has been through a similar scenario and how their swallowing/talking was affected.

50 yrs.Non smok.Mod drink.
Tongue canc SCC T2N0M0.
Surg. Jul '11 1/3 rd of tongue rem. & sel. neck diss.PEG fitted.
Aug '11 6 wks chemo/radio.3 more canc. nodes rem.
Feb '12 18 wks chemo.
Nov. '12 Mod rad neck diss on right, & pec flap rep. rem. of tumour under chin. More rad to follow in 2013.
**update** Passed away September 26, 2013