Hi all, please let me know if what I'm about to post needs to be moved to a different forum, like reoccurence or something smile

Yesterday, we saw the surgeon that did my dad's total gloss/laryn regarding the knot that had appeared in his arm near the armpit. Dr. said it absolutely was not a knotted up muscle. He wanted a needle biopsy done but the insurance would not pay for that until an ultrasound had been done. They did ultrasound yesterday and it is positive for an enlarged lymph node. Dr. said it could still be an infection or something inflamed from the neck dissection, etc. Needle biopsy is being done on Halloween. Please say a prayer for us!

CG to my 57yo dad. 4th stage SCC at BOT. Pea size knot popped up in 07, diagnosed 09. Max radiation in dec 09 followed by cisplatin chemo twice. Cancer returned 2011 and total gloss/total laryngectomy performed Sept 4 2012.