Hi Maria,

Baby is doing great (he is now coming up to 6 weeks) and has been a pretty good boy till now!

We have our mother-in-law from overseas helping us out at the moment which is a great help, and our close friends have volunteered to look after the bubs full time when she has to go back later this month, and Jen starts her treatment.

One positive thing that we have taken from this ordeal is how grateful you are for having such amazing family & friends around you.. They have been truly wonderful and we feel very blessed.

Hopefully, we will be able to repay the debt to everyone with a fit and healthy Jenny & a big strong boy!

6/8/12: Wife 33y/o with no risk dx with Stage IVa SCC L of Tongue(T4aN2bM0)
3/9/12: Induced birth @ 36 weeks - Baby Hunter!
11/9/12: OP - 3/4 Partial Gloss, Radical ND & Tongue Rec.
24/10/12: 33xRad + 7xChemo
7/12/12: Tx complete
21/3/13 & 21/6/13: NED
24/7/13: SCC in Lungs - OP: Lobectomy (VATS)
29/1/14 passed away