Hope the constipation has gotten a bit better. The key is to stay ahead of the game when you are taking pain killers such as oxycotin....they are very binding to the system. Ask your doctor (or nurse) for their tips...they have seen this happen in most patients. My husband started with Miralax, moved onto Sennakot and Colace and then to Magnesium Citrate. The later did the trick for him, but ask your medical team if they recommend it for you.

Try to keep drinking as many Ensure Plus shakes as you can. My husband used the vanilla version to wash down every meal. For this purpose, he found the vanilla most effective....the chocolate was more of a "dessert" item. They have 350 cals and 13 gr. of protein....so they will help keep the weight on you. Liquids, whether it be water (try for 10-12 cups a day), Ensure, etc....help "move" things along through your system.

Have they prescribed ativan? Good for nausea and anxiety.

Sent you a PM with more info....

GOod luck with week 2.....

Wife to 58 year otherwise very healthy husband(and the sweetest man in the world). T1N2b SCC. June 2012 TORS Tonsillectomy/mod neck dissection and 10 lymph nodes removed. Path showing 3 bundled nodes, slight ECE. IMRT 30x and Cisplatin 2x. PEG for 10 wks. CT 12/12,2/13,5/1 3,9/13-allclear