Actor Michael Douglas's oral cancer PSA has been released and will begin appearing around the country. I'm very proud that Mr. Douglas chose to partner with the foundation to raise awareness of this disease that too few have heard of. You can see a preview of it here on YouTube. Please pass a link to the video around to your friends and family, and if you have a web site please feel free to imbed the video on your site. The battle against this disease is fought on many fronts. In treatment facilities, in professional offices that are engaged in screening and early detection, at public events that the foundation offers free screenings at, and most importantly by raising public awareness of the disease, the risk factors for developing it, and the early signs and symptoms that individuals should be on the lookout for. My thanks go out to Mr. Douglas for helping us in our fight to reduce the incidence and death toll from this disease.

Last edited by Brian Hill; 07-09-2012 08:05 PM.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.