I am not sure where else to post this. We had an awful time finding a doctor to do our jaw section and help with the after effects of radiation. Our typical ENT who found and removed the cancer was not qualified to help with the reconstruction. Everyone he pointed us to was an ENT with no cancer experience.

Dr. Glenn Rothman in Mesa was the only game in town which took our insurance, courtesy of Humana. Thank goodness that he is also one of the best! He has the bedside manner of a clock, but he is terrific at what he does! Through a combined effort by him and Dr. Elliot in Mesa, they were able to fix Tom up good as new!! :o)

I hope someone finds this information useful!



Wife of Tom, 42
SCC/Tonsil DX 9/23/2010
PEG/Port 11/2010
TX Begins 11/16/2010
Chemo ended 12/28/2010
Radiation ended 1/6/2011
Neutropenia 1/7/2011
Osteoradionecrosis 09/2011
Jaw Resection/Flap 01/2012
How do you want to be remembered?