Hi everyone. I am undiagnosed and i hope it is ok that i post on here but i feel that this is a good place to go for support and help with questions :)I am 25 years old and I have noticed my soft palate being quite red for a while now (definately the last 2 months) and i believe it has been that way for much longer. I never payed much attention to it until recently. I went to see my doctor a couple of weeks ago about the roof of my mouth and he was unsure what it was. He told me to come back in 3 weeks and he would refer me to an oral surgeon. I also told him about some enlarged neck nodes and he said they were not large enough to worry about and gave me an antidepressant ( due to excessive tiredness) ... The next day i went to see an ent and he looked at my mouth and throat, and said that my palate looked like it had thrush bc it was beefy red. He also stated that my throat looked ok and prescribed me a nasal spray to help with excessive mucus in my throat. It is not comming from my sinuses...just my throat. Well I have finished my treatment for thrush and no change. It is all still there. Most of my hard and soft palate are completely covered with what almost looks like a red rash. The hard palate is covered with what looks like red pin like dots and it fades into a very red soft palate... almost like all of the spots just get very close together. I know this is a bad description but its all i have. It feels almost raw when i run my tongue on it. It is not very painful and looks alot like erythroplakia. My concern is that it looks like it is spreading down my throat. Another major concern is that i was diagnosed with HPV ( not sure of type but it was a wart causing type). All of my pap smears have been within normal limits and i have never been told by my gyn that i have dysplasia on my cervix or any such problem. I was told by my gyn that i should not worry about it bc me and my husband would more than likely share that type. So therefore, i have potentially been exposed to HPV in the mouth. I am not a smoker and i dont drink other than occasionally. I cannot get into see an oral surgeon for about 3 weeks and i am absolutely terrified as i don't believe if this is cancer it should wait. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! I am already terrified of cancer and feeling so sick over this.

Last edited by klee09; 02-14-2012 09:04 PM.