OP Supporting Member (50+ posts) Joined: Oct 2010 Posts: 50 | Hi All,
It has been a long time sence I posted. Things have been going ok. Bob goes for his year pet scan Feb. 10. I am sure all will be ok, as he really does not show any signs of relapse. Bob turned bright red where he had radiation (almost like an alergic reation to something). This is the second time it has happened in a two month period. The first time he turned red swelled up a liitle and about 2 days later it went away. This time he turned red and swelled up in the same place same way, but now he has pain on the right lower side of his neck(oppisite side of where cancer was) it looked lumpy and hard at first(thursday)it still is hard but the swelling has gone down, so it doesn't look as big. The side where the cancer was has two very tender and sore spots. Bob says it feels like he got radiation again on the out side. He is also now peeling like he had radiation, and says he felt a water blister pop when he rubbed his chin, because his fingers were wet after that. Has anyone had this happen a year after radiation, and/or is this normal a year after radiation. Thanks for any help in this matter. Deb
Deb taking care of Bob, left retromolar tirgone&alveolar ridge SCC stage IV pT4anomx 11/3/10 partial mandiblctmy,trech,chest flap 11/9/10 Trech out, PEG in 1/19/11- 3/9/11 Cisplatin x3, IMRT x33 |