You can do this bub. Take these suggestions from these folks very seriously. They saved me from crisis a few times during my own journey. And do not hesitate to call your docs if the pain is unreasonable, and have them do something to manage that. You have a right to competent and swift pain management. I know a few times I was concerned that I would be looked at as some kind of druggy for asking for pain meds so that caused me to wait to say something about it until it got the point where it was overwhelming me. The best thing to do is to stay just ahead of the pain curve with your meds, don't wait until it hurts so bad you can't stand it. I tried to stay scheduled and then would boost it if I had break through pain.

All my love my friend, you CAN do this.

Dx: 3/11 Stage III glottic laryngeal SCC HPV 16+ Tx Start: 7/18/11 chemoradiation 7wks - Tomotherapy IMRT x 34 / Cisplatin x 7 Tx End:9/1/11]-[as of 1/20/12 - ALL CLEAR!]