OP Supporting Member (50+ posts) Joined: Dec 2010 Posts: 99 | Thank you Eric for your links. I read them and they were informative and gave me more of an understanding of the situation. Karen, Emmett is only on one med. at this time for his thyroid which was damaged by radiation but I will research that angle more. He is not concerned - just me.....
I just arrived home from Mayo today as caregiver for my niece so I wonder if I am so worried because I lived at Hope Lodge for 6 weeks with her and so many there seemed to be struggling with blood related illnesses, several as a result of earlier treatments.
PS: Her cervical tumor has been obliviated with a tough rad/chemo treatment! (Here in MI the Dr. gave her no hope.) She still has more chemo to do but we now have hope for a future for her.
CG 2 Emmett,7/09 DX SCC rt tongue. T2N1M0, 1 node, marg neg.4/10 PET/CT clear, 9/10 C back. 10/10 Rad hemi, 2 tmrs mod diff. resec flr of mth. Flap 4 nodes/w/ext cap. 11/10 Peg, CX3 HD, 30 rad. 1/31 & 3/21 6/11/11 - PET/CT "activity" 9/11-all Clear. 12/11 peg out. 2/15 still all clear! 9/14 Prostate cancer treated with pencil beam proton therapy, best radiation experience. Keep it in mind as a treatment option for all tumors that can be seen including head and neck.