Hi Mandi,

Thank you very much for your kind sentiments,I can see now that we're all one big family so to speak, I would have said happy family but that would be a bit inappropriate having looked at your postings and seeing for myself what you and your partners are going through right now.

Although I've only been on this site a few days I can feel the warmth, compassion and empathy that emanates from you all.
It's just a pity that magic wands aren't available to deserving people, because you would all qualify!

It's a very humbling experience reading round the various parts of the site, seeing all the various trials and tribulations that families have to go through because of this affliction.
It's a true saying that there's always someone worse off than yourself[ as my father used to say...." Like the boy who used to complain about having no shoes.......until he met a boy with no feet".]
Thank you again Mandi for finding the time to reply, and although I've never met your husband, tell him that some people in Scotland are thinking about him and that we wish him well for the future.

Keep your chin up!

Warmest Regards.

Colin [across the pond].