Hi again. So I went to orthodontist yesterday and and oral surgeon today. Both of them looked at the lesions and said that they are not worried but urged me to put on the braces and start the treatment (meaning braces) for the 2nd molar which is causing the irritation to the cheek. So here I am, puzzeled still. The lesions are reddish, not sure if you can call them eryhtoplakia or not if you know the cause (mechanical trauma). I have read some materials and found out that a big percentage of erythroplakias are in fact dysplasias or carcinoma-in-situs or SCC. I did mention this to the oral surgeon and asked if a biopsy should be performed but he said no no, come back if the lesions change. Well...if they change, wouldn't it be too late then? So now I decided to go to an ENT (got an appointment to the 20th of Dec) and if he says no to the biopsy I have to give it a rest. I will go the orthodontist again in 2 weeks and start fixing the deviated molar as well.

I have read quite many threads here and you truly are a wonderful bunch smile

Will report after a visit to ENT.

All the best and stay healthy.